Celebrate the Summer Solstice with Schmooze

Monday June 20, 20166-8PMLuna Culture Lab

A founding belief of schmooze is there are great lessons to be learned when women connect. Since the start of schmooze, we have envisioned hosting in-person events where women could come together to meet both who we’ve featured but also each other. It is with this idea, that we are thrilled to announce our inaugural event coinciding with the Summer Solstice on Monday, June 20, 2016, 6-8pm. The schmooze women love the energy of summer and thought it was the best time to launch our festive event and we hope you will join us.

We have invited the women we have featured previously on schmooze’s podcast and in profiles as well as friends and people we admire in the community. The event will be hosted by the Luna Culture Lab at Torres Multicultural Communications. Schmooze is thankful to have this sponsorship support from a premiere women-owned business. Many thanks to owner, Tania Torres and her incredibly helpful team for their assistance with our event.

Our gorgeous invitation artwork was created by the talented hands of Natalia Green. We are so grateful to have her work be the “look” of our event. As proud desert dwellers, we enjoy our summers here in the valley of the sun, so Natalia’s drawing has perfectly captured the whimsy of the season and our event. Natalia will be one of the featured artists sharing their creativity and work at the event. We will also have music and door prizes, so be sure to save the date and join us as we celebrate the start of summer and the beginning of new schmooze adventures!

This event is all about connecting, so we encourage everyone to bring flyers, business cards of passions projects you want to share with others at the event. We can’t wait to meet you all and thank you so much for helping us continue the work of schmooze. See you on the Summer Solstice!


p/s – We created a new vlog to share the fun, check it out, share it and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!


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